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The Hawkeye Series Ultra Light-Weight EO/IR Camera Launched By Viewpro

27. Feb 2023 Viewpro_Ella

In response to market demand and customer requirements, Viewpro launched the new generation of Micro primes lens EO/IR gimbal camera which is focus on the micro UAV systems. Combined the IR Thermal sensor and high definition visual camera with Viewpro’s leading stabilization and intelligence technology, the micro camera system is easy to realize powerful insights that save time, cost and lives.

Hawkeye series products made their debut at the IDEX exhibition 2023 Abu Dhabi, which catches the clients’s eyes by Viewpro’s innovation and R&D ability. That’s also encourage Viewpro input more passions on high-tech gimbal cameras for all types of drone systems.


1. Q818-Micro Prime Lens EO/IR Object Tracking Gimbal Camera    Click HERE to find out more!

2. Q818M-Micro Prime Lens EO/IR with LRF Object Tracking    Click HERE to find out more!

3. Q7 DE-Micro Prime Lens Dual EO Object Tracking    Click HERE to find out more!

4. Q8L-Micro Prime Lens Single sensor with LRF Object Tracking    Click HERE to find out more!

5. Q7-DER-Micro Prime Lens Dual EO/IR Object Tracking    Click HERE to find out more!

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